“I just loved it; there was a good teamwork dynamic.”— Ben Hood, Developing Beach Volleyroo
Ben Hood (2011–2021) represents Australia in beach volleyball and is a 2024 Developing Beach Volleyroo.
Ben’s sport takes him to the best beaches on the planet, but his love of volleyball began back at Toowoomba Grammar School, inspired after seeing his older brother play. As Ben explains, he was hooked:
Over time, his skills became more obvious. By Year 10, he had begun focusing on volleyball more seriously. He counts this period as a turning point in his young sporting career, one that prompted his decision to put all his effort into training and playing volleyball. Around this time, Ben and his family decided to move him into boarding at TGS, allowing him to easily get to early and late training sessions. He’s very quick to acknowledge and thank his parents, particularly his mum, for ferrying him to all his commitments during his early playing years.
In Year 12, he made the decision to leave Toowoomba Grammar School and attend the Australian Institute of Sport. His invitation to the Australian Volleyball Academy in Canberra saw him begin to develop as an athlete through their centralised and integrated program. Reminiscing about TGS, he credits Mr Eric Smith as a long-time mentor and someone he has stayed connected with. He especially likes running into Mr Smith at the bigger competitions, “We both have a similar passion for the game.”
At the end of 2022, Ben had to make a choice between indoor and beach volleyball. He chose the version of the sport which sees him playing on Earth’s most beautiful beaches. Ben’s inclusion in the South Australian Sports Institute’s elite performance squad has led to him joining the Developing Volleyroos, a key part of the national beach volleyball program.
Last year, Ben was part of the winning pair that claimed the Asian Volleyball Confederation’s U21 Beach Volleyball Championships in Thailand and another pair that won the Pacific Championships held in the Solomon Islands. Earlier this year, he and partner D’Artagnan Potts took home a bronze medal from the Nuvali Open Men’s Competition in Laguna in the Philippines.
Ben says finding balance as an elite athlete is challenging.
“Switching off from the game is sometimes tricky, but I like going camping and enjoying that part of my life.”— Ben Hood, 2024 Developing Beach Volleyroo
He always loves coming home to his family, who are involved in horticulture in the Lockyer Valley, “I get to work on the farm; I’m very lucky in that aspect.”
Ben wants to encourage current TGS students to give unexpected things a go and “make a different sporting choice.” Following this advice is what put him on his current path to success. Keep an eye out for Ben — he is again heading overseas to commence a European campaign.
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