In an age bursting with technological innovations and an overwhelming abundance of information, the present era appears to be characterised by a swift and unrelenting pace of change. Our society, young and old alike, finds itself constantly bombarded with provocative and sensationalist narratives. The media floods our consciousness with constant streams of global dilemmas, highlighting the flaws of our leaders, uncovering corporate or political scandals, and bringing conflicts and tragedies both locally and from abroad immediately to our screens. This relentless exposure poses significant challenges within educational settings, and schools like Toowoomba Grammar School (TGS) stand at the forefront, equipped to help students navigate their responses to such ubiquitous stimuli.

The ascent of character education in Australia and other locations signals the critical role it plays in shaping the foundations of our youth. This educational imperative is underscored by declarations and policy frameworks that herald virtues like honesty, resilience, empathy and respect. But beyond the compulsion of mandates, our passion for nurturing character is a deliberate response, amongst other things, to the excess of disheartening narratives and the unease that appears to be ever-increasing today.

Since its foundation in 1875, TGS has remained steadfast in its commitment to the development of character. In our contemporary landscape, this commitment has only intensified, emerging as our raison d'être. It is a reason for being. At TGS, we regard the nurturing of character in our students as an essential extension of our educational mission, which transcends the traditional confines of classroom instruction. We endeavour to mould individuals who possess not only the intellectual prowess required to thrive in their professional pursuits but also the moral clarity to navigate life's complexities and challenges with grace and integrity.

The true impact of the School's endeavours is not immediate; it unfolds over the years, often long after the boys have moved on — when they are aged 25, 30, 35 and 40. It is then that we begin to discern the School's influence through the lens of the contributions these young men make to society. The formative work at TGS is thus foundational, laying down the groundwork from which boys can evolve into men of character, ready to face the world once they step beyond our gates.

Our children are maturing in a world marked by continuous transformation. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored our vulnerability but also highlighted our capacity for adaptability and resilience. As we stand on the cusp of the generative AI revolution, the very fabric of how we access, analyse and interpret information is being reshaped, presenting even greater challenges to educational institutions. Amidst such a dynamic backdrop, the question of character assumes an ever-greater significance.

TGS boasts a proud history of not only achieving outstanding academic results but also preparing students for the unpredictable nature of life. The Old Boys' Wall of Achievement is a testament to this. Today, the pressures of modern existence — mental health concerns, technological immersion, social dynamics and family complexities — amplify the School's role in fortifying students to manage the challenges they will inevitably encounter in the future. Our purpose is written in our Strategic Plan (2022–2026) as "Educating boys and developing their good character for life". This speaks to our core business of teaching and learning, but what we also seek to do beyond academic instruction. It is about sculpting the very character of our students, enabling them to stand steadfast against the deviations of life.

Today, schools are playing an increasing role in the shared responsibility we have with parents to nurture and educate children. The moral foundations traditionally laid by family and local community organisations continue to be vital, but it is undeniable that schools like TGS are playing a growing role in this domain. Challenges arising outside the School gates frequently find their way back into the schoolyard, necessitating the guidance and objective support of key staff at the School.

A TGS education encompasses a broad spectrum, addressing the comprehensive needs of our students. Our approach seeks to develop the whole child holistically through an all-round approach. This is achieved through our traditional academics but also by fostering confidence, character and self-worth. We invite parents to collaborate closely with us, establishing a unified vision aimed at shaping the minds and characters of our boys, equipping them for a lifetime of positive contributions to society and the world at large. Our educational philosophy is deeply rooted in the conviction that fostering good character is not merely a scholastic aspiration but a societal imperative.

Our advocacy for character education is intentional and dual-faceted. We believe that character is both "caught" through the influence of positive role models — staff, students, coaches and parents — and "taught" through explicit instruction. This is embodied in our diverse School activities, such as outdoor education, service, sports and cadets, which challenge students and offer opportunities for self-reflection. Moreover, our structured Wellbeing and Character Development program integrates immersive lessons on virtues-based actions and reflections into the curriculum. Under the expert guidance of educational leaders, the program endeavours to embed virtues seamlessly into the educational experience, aligning classic pedagogical methods with the nurturing of character.

This balance is critical; it prepares students to navigate future challenges with integrity and purpose. The School's ethos is not just about achieving success but fostering well-rounded individuals who can lead fulfilling lives enriched with self-worth, continuous learning, leadership and community service. By cultivating these virtues, TGS contributes to shaping balanced and purposeful men aligned with the Aristotelian ideal that true happiness stems from virtuous living. In this way, TGS addresses the vital question of our time by educating for character — preparing students not only for the workforce but for a meaningful life.

Fidelis in Omnibus.

- Dr John Kinniburgh, Headmaster

Latest Blog

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Print v Digital

I recently read an article by Petra Stock, entitled "Streaming Stories: Will Children’s Digital Book Platforms Upend Print", an interesting discussion comparing ebooks and print media and the ways they are being used during and post COVID. Which is better according to the article? Well, there is a clear winner; however, like many things, the answer can depend on the situation. I'd like to break elements of the article down, along with my own thoughts and compare the two. Social…

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Teaching Excellence
Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Striking a Balance

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Sports & Activities
Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Developing Sportsmanship from Prep

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The Arts
Thursday, 01 June 2023

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Grammar 150
Thursday, 01 June 2023

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Grammar 150
Wednesday, 24 May 2023

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Character & Wellbeing
Thursday, 18 May 2023

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Teaching Excellence
Wednesday, 10 May 2023

A Space for Learning

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The Arts
Wednesday, 03 May 2023

When it comes to Music, Variety is the Spice of Life

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