The Toowoomba Grammar School Careers department is always a hive of activity. We are a team of four and usually work with the boys from Year 9 onwards.

Our focus is to work with each individual student to assist in creating awareness of the world of work, helping students to articulate their interests and identifying what is important to them and their values. We assist the boys in developing the skills to explore the different careers out there. We connect them with employers and industry professionals and help them navigate towards the job or career they are interested in. We work hard to individualise each student’s unique School journey to help prepare them for life after school.

“Many of our students are planning a university pathway; however, approximately one-third of our boys are looking at trade pathways, which can be started while they are at TGS.”
— Mrs Anthea Ritchers

Our academic program caters to all students, whether they are interested in pursuing careers in the creative arts or medicine. We have the capacity for our students to follow a straight academic or vocational pathway or a combination of both. This leaves many doors open for the boys when they leave the security of TGS.

How do boys know what they want to do after School when they are only in Year 10?

Subject selection and career planning are a big part of Year 10. How do our students know what they want to do after School? The answer is — they don’t know yet, and that is okay. At Toowoomba Grammar School, we aim to support the boys in making informed decisions and provide them with the skills to navigate the many and varied career options available to them. There is always a way to get to where you want to go; the pathway may just look a little different for some students. We are all about pathways!

Career plan interviews

In Year 10, our boys undertake career profiling, which looks at career interests, aptitude and abilities, personality profiling and transferable skills. Each student receives a personalised report which is used in our career plan interviews with our students and their parents. In these meetings, we discuss possible pathways and assist the boys with subject selection for Years 11 and 12. We are fortunate to have the time to see each student and his parents for an individual meeting. This allows the Careers department to get to know each boy and assist with his pathway planning for senior studies.

Industry exposure and work experience

Throughout Years 10, 11 and 12, all of our students have the opportunity to complete work experience, attend industry-based tours and hear from employers across our region. Some of these employers are TGS Old Boys - we love it when our Old Boys come back to share their career journeys with us. The connections and opportunities for our students to explore different careers helps them to make more informed decisions about life after school and develop an understanding of different industries.

University visits

Early preparation for university entry is also important. During the career plan interviews, subject selection and university prerequisite subjects are often hot topics of conversation, as it is important to choose subjects that will keep options open. I often have boys who have changed their minds from Years 10 to 12, so planning is important. Each year, the University Showcase event allows the Year 12 students to engage face-to-face with representatives from Queensland and northern NSW universities. The students are also provided with the opportunity to visit several university campuses and residential colleges during Years 11 and 12.

The key message is that it is going to be okay. At TGS, there is excellent academic and vocational support to assist the boys and help them make informed choices about life after school. We enjoy travelling through the final stage of their school journey with them. We hope to equip them with the tools they need to navigate the tertiary system, the trade pathway and the world of work. As our vision states, we aim to ensure the boys exit TGS with the skills to be independent, well-balanced and successful in life, to respond well to challenges, and to achieve lifelong wellbeing.

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Student Contribution
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