A residency designed to foster a positive sense of belonging.

As a boarding master of adolescent boys, my role fundamentally concerns pastoral wellbeing and character development to support a successful academic journey. A positive sense of belonging — where boarders feel safe, supported and heard — is fundamental to an effective boarding environment. As such, I felt there was a distinct connection between the International Boys’ Schools Coalition’s (IBSC) theme for the 2024–25 Action Research Cohort, “Boys and Belonging” and what I believe is best practice boarding in Corfe House.

Through 10 years of experience in boys’ boarding houses, I’ve observed a reluctance among boys to voice their concerns and express themselves emotionally, thus allowing themselves to be vulnerable amongst their peers and immediate support network. This reluctance significantly impacts their ability and willingness to disclose problems and seek help. Consequently, it affects their sense of belonging within the boarding environment and has broader implications for their holistic development. This issue is particularly pertinent for boarders in Corfe House, who are in the early stages of identity development.

The Corfe House Year 10 Service and Leadership Residency Program has resulted in a newfound sense of calm in the House

I’ve noticed that even boys with emotional maturity or the tools to communicate their concerns are not necessarily inclined to do so. This observation has led me to consider the connection between a boarder’s sense of trust and their willingness to display vulnerability, likely influenced by cultural norms related to masculine identity rather than just their ability to articulate themselves. I believe that fostering a heightened sense of belonging within a boarding environment may effectively counter these cultural norms.

When considering this context amongst the larger body of research literature, it is frightening to consider the bigger picture at play — that being the damning statistics surrounding Australian men and issues pertaining to men’s mental health and suicide. I’d like to think these concerning trends can be countered by positive cultural shifts that promote male vulnerability and allow men to speak out and seek support without fear of shame or being perceived as weak.

As such, the purpose of my research project is to provide my Corfe House boarders, who embark upon their broader boarding journey at a relatively impressionable age, with the necessary skillset, confidence and vernacular to effectively communicate issues presenting as barriers to their pastoral wellbeing and sense of belonging. In doing so, they are encouraged and empowered to be vulnerable rather than repressing their feelings — a common trait we see with adolescent boys, often influenced by cultural factors and a lack of words to articulate their emotions.

Year 10 residents Harry Rogers, Harry Allen, Archie Smart and Artie McMillan with Angus Fay and other Corfe House students

To enable this project, we initiated the official Corfe House Year 10 Service and Leadership Residency Program at the commencement of Term 2 in 2024 — a residency for Year 10 boarders with aspirations for leadership and a willingness to serve. So far, we’ve been incredibly impressed by the newfound sense of calm within Corfe House and the positive mentoring that has developed organically. Within this residency, we have embedded a Leadership and Character Education Program for Year 10 residents comprising explicit teaching in leadership, coaching, peer support and lessons in positive masculinity. Through this program and weekly mentoring and coaching sessions where the Year 10 residents embed these skills and knowledge within their own “Mentor Session”, we have sought to educate and broaden student perspectives that align with the TGS purpose — “Educating boys and developing their good character for life.”

During the mentoring sessions, the Year 10s share previous challenging experiences from their own time in Year 7 Corfe House boarding (thus modelling vulnerability), allowing an informal platform for Year 7 boys to reciprocate and share any current challenges they are facing.

“In doing so, the Year 10 boys act as coaches to guide the boys through these problems, providing advice from personal experience via the embedded leadership curriculum. The intention of this curriculum is to provide a shared language for emotional expression, thus providing Year 7 boarders with the vocabulary to express themselves and to model vulnerability and reciprocal patterns of self-disclosure.”
Mr Henry White, Head of Corfe House

Furthermore, as a means of measuring Corfe House boarders’ increased willingness to be vulnerable, Year 6 and 7 Corfe House boarders undertake a daily wellbeing survey each evening designed to gauge boarders’ daily emotional wellbeing and their willingness to disclose their problems, thus providing a platform to demonstrate their vulnerability.

While a boarding leadership residency is not a revolutionary concept, the embedded Leadership and Character Education Program and new methods to measure boarder pastoral wellbeing offer a valuable point of difference for our School. In addition, Year 10 residents become participants in the wellbeing and pastoral care of younger boarders — a novel experience that fosters personal relationships and good character development — rather than simply being a presence. Moreover, by empowering Year 10 residents with leadership capabilities and opportunities to exercise these skills, they also develop their own leadership identity and sense of belonging through ownership within the larger boarding program.

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