Our pastoral care strategy is deeply rooted in the belief that educating boys involves not just imparting knowledge but also developing their character and wellbeing.

Legacy of Leadership: The Impact of John Mackintosh at Toowoomba Grammar School

Toowoomba Grammar School’s first Headmaster, John Mackintosh (1876–1879) led the School with the demeanour of a typical Victorian father figure. His leadership was steadfast and nurturing, with decisions that were definitive and meticulously aimed at creating an environment that was conducive to a boy’s character and learning outcomes. Mackintosh introduced recreational activities such as chess and draughts alongside a small library, balancing amusement with academic rigour.

John Mackintosh’s leadership at TGS combined autocratic principles with a paternal approach, prioritising academic excellence while nurturing student relationships. His educational vision was transformative and comprehensive, broadening the curriculum from classics to physical education and emphasising the importance of moral discipline, service and gentlemanly conduct. This approach set the stage for pioneering efforts in education and character building but also cemented the enduring legacy of TGS as a leading school for boys. His steadfast advocacy for student welfare and academic rigour left an indelible mark that continues to influence the School’s ethos.

Mr John Mackintosh was our School's first Headmaster.

Today, the School continues to draw upon many of the foundational principles championed by Mackintosh through our pastoral care program, particularly those relating to character development. Our modern approach to pastoral care addresses contemporary challenges such as respectful relationships, digital distractions and mental health issues. Our holistic framework aims to enhance all aspects of student wellbeing - physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual - adapting to meet both timeless values and the expectations of today’s families and communities. This evolution ensures that we continue to uphold values that promote strong character, which is increasingly vital in a rapidly changing world that values sensitivity and tolerance.

Cultivating Character and Wellbeing: Core Priorities in Our Strategic Vision

Within our Strategic Plan is a dedicated pillar focusing on character and wellbeing, underscoring our commitment to equipping boys with the skills needed to flourish personally, contribute to society and lead meaningful lives. We employ an evidence-informed approach to pastoral care that spans both Junior and Senior Schools, emphasising the continual adaptation of our methods to meet current educational needs.

The importance of this focus is evident as societal challenges and demands continue to evolve. By prioritising character education, we prepare our students for professional success but also for meaningful and ethical interactions in their personal and public lives. Our approach aligns with global educational trends that emphasise well-rounded development, fostering resilient, adaptable and compassionate leaders equipped to thrive in diverse settings.

Holistic Horizons: The TGS Blueprint for Character and Wellbeing

Our core purpose is educating boys and developing their good character for life. Our pastoral care strategy is committed to cultivating independence, resilience and the ability to adapt to life’s challenges. It is designed to ensure that boys flourish in all aspects of their lives. This holistic approach is embedded in every element of School life, from academic and vocational programs to service activities and co-curricular offerings; it extends beyond reacting to immediate issues like stress or anxiety.

Central to our philosophy is the belief that character is caught, taught and sought. Boys absorb positive character traits daily from role models who exemplify these virtues. Character is also explicitly taught through a tailored wellbeing curriculum that includes educational experiences inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, students are encouraged to seek and leverage myriad opportunities for personal growth provided by our enriching co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, ensuring continual development towards a well-rounded state of being.

Evidence of Success: Parent and Student Satisfaction

Our commitment to pastoral care is reinforced by the overwhelmingly positive feedback from our annual parent surveys, which confirm the effectiveness of our approach across all year levels. Parents commend TGS for providing a safe and caring environment, strongly endorsing our role in guiding personal development and instilling respect among students. These results not only highlight satisfaction with the School’s pastoral care program but also show that TGS successfully encourages boys to respect themselves and others, guides their personal development and motivates them to articulate their beliefs about right and wrong. Significantly, parents have placed the “focus on pastoral care and providing a safe and caring environment” among the top five reasons for choosing TGS for their sons.

Pastoral Care at TGS: A Comprehensive Framework

Pastoral care is a central tenet of all that we do at TGS, providing the framework through which our staff support the holistic wellbeing, growth and development of our boys. Our comprehensive approach is detailed in the diagram below and is tailored to meet our students’ evolving needs.

Our continuous advancement in pastoral care practices ensures that we effectively address the needs of our students, preparing them to become compassionate, resilient and empowered individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Advancing Pastoral Care: Leadership and Data-Driven Strategies at Toowoomba Grammar School

To continuously enhance our Pastoral Care Program, we have re-established the role of Head of Pastoral Care who works alongside Heads of House, Mentors and other staff. This position plays a central role in the ongoing development of our Wellbeing and Character Development Program, aimed at creating a nurturing environment for all. The pastoral care framework is supported by data-driven insights from pastoral profiling tools including the STEER wellbeing platform, which enhances our understanding of student needs and helps us form more authentic relationships. This strategic use of data enables us to anticipate and effectively respond to behavioural patterns.

Leadership development is a key component of our strategy, exemplified by initiatives such as the Corfe House service leadership residency. This program allows Year 10 boarders to live in Corfe House with Years 5 to 7 boarders each term, fostering mentorship and community spirit as they assist in daily operations and act as role models. These efforts are supported by formalised mentorship programs where older students guide younger ones, reinforcing the values of empathy and leadership.

Pastoral care at TGS goes beyond academic support to include emotional, social, spiritual and physical development. Our pastoral care strategy is deeply rooted in the belief that educating boys involves not just imparting knowledge but also developing their character and wellbeing.

Through these comprehensive strategies, we ensure that our students emerge as compassionate, resilient and empowered individuals.


Pastoral care is integral to our educational ethos. It goes beyond being a mere function of schooling; it embodies the very essence of our mission. By prioritising the holistic wellbeing of our students and fostering a culture of care, respect, and empathy, we empower them to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. As we continue to evolve and innovate in the realm of pastoral care, our commitment remains unwavering: to nurture the hearts and minds of our students. This dedicated approach ensures that they emerge as compassionate, resilient and empowered individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.


Latest Blog

Thursday, 15 Sept 2022

A Safe, Welcoming and Joyous Community

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Character & Wellbeing
Thursday, 08 Sept 2022

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Thursday, 01 Sept 2022

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Wednesday, 24 Aug 2022

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Character & Wellbeing
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Sports & Activities
Thursday, 28 July 2022

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Blog Friday, 22 July 2022

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