How do we adequately develop a teenager’s 'sense of belonging' in boarding?

Head of Boyce House, Boarding, Mr Michael Hall has investigated how 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs' applies to boarding. It is a psychological theory that suggests human beings have a set of fundamental needs that must be fulfilled in a hierarchical order. The theory proposes that individuals must first satisfy their physiological needs before moving on to higher-level needs, such as the 'belongingness' that is so crucial for building trust and a feeling of home. When it comes to teenagers living in boarding schools, their sense of belonging plays a crucial role in their overall well-being and academic success. This article explores how this pyramid of holistic development relates to the boarders at Toowoomba Grammar School.

Physiological & Safety Needs:

Maslow's theory states that physiological needs, such as food, shelter, and safety, form the two foundational levels of the hierarchy. The trained staff of TGS focus on ensuring students have a safe and secure environment where students' physiological needs are met. Regular meals, a comfortable living space, and access to healthcare contribute to their physical well-being, allowing them to focus on higher-level needs. Although this is a basic level and should be evident in any boarding school, these foundations must be firm as they are critical to build the next three layers.

Belongingness Needs:

The third level of the hierarchy includes the need for genuine relationships, care and a sense of belonging. Children, especially during adolescence, seek social connections and acceptance from peers and adults. TGS Boarding works on the principle of being a family, offering a close-knit community where students and staff live together, forming strong bonds and friendships. The shared experiences, common goals, and constant interaction within the boarding environment create a sense of belonging, making students feel part of a supportive community.

Esteem Needs:

‘Esteem needs’ involve gaining recognition, respect, and a positive self-image. TGS provides numerous opportunities for teenagers to develop self-esteem. Engaging in extracurricular activities, such as sports, arts, or leadership roles, allows students to showcase their talents, receive recognition, and build their self-confidence. Furthermore, positive feedback from boarding staff and fellow students contributes to the development of a healthy self-esteem. Students also value being recognised for their hard work and dedication, be it in academia or cocurricular activities. Our boys understand that hard work and perseverance will eventually be rewarded with recognition.

Self-Actualization Needs:

The highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy is self-actualization, which pertains to fulfilling one's potential and achieving personal growth. This starts to become evident in Years 11 and 12. Staff work closely with students presenting them with opportunities to showcase what they have learned through the holistic education, aiming to support students in reaching their highest potential. By offering a wide range of leadership opportunities, staff are able empower our boys to explore their interests and embark on a journey of self-discovery and actualization.

Having the courage to commit to a set of values that may not always be the most popular with their peers but it evokes a strong message of what can be attained when you commit to servant leadership for the benefit of others. These moments embody the highest level of Maslow’s Hierarchy that is inherently the essence of self-actualisation. An ability to build relationships with their peers and lead without being asked to, a quality that is evident in so many of our boarders when they complete their journey at TGS and step into life beyond School.

- Mr Michael Hall, Head of Boyce House Boarding

Boarders enjoy a chat with Boyce Resident Housemaster, Mr Todd Harris

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