Jeremy Peacock (2005 – 09) currently represents Australia in Paratriathlon.

Jeremy Peacock is ranked third in the world in the PTS4 Para category and his sights are set on selection for the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. During Jeremy’s time at TGS he represented the School in numerous endeavours but was particularly known for his contributions to the Arts, particularly Music. On the sports field, Jeremy represented TGS in GPS Athletics, Cross Country, Cricket and Football.

After returning from a gap year in the UK teaching music at Port Regis School, Dorset, Jeremy attended Bond University completing a Bachelor of Commerce with further study to qualify as a Chartered Accountant (CA). He is currently an Associate Director at KPMG, one of Australia’s ‘Big 4’ accounting firms in Melbourne.

Jeremy was born three months premature and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy which impairs the development of muscles and hinders co-ordination and neurological movements.

“This was probably not well known to the community during my time at TGS because I suppressed the diagnosis,” said Jeremy. “I did not consider myself to be impaired and I was determined to compete in all sports against my fellow able-bodied athletes.”

During his cross country days with Mr Mark Oliphant as his coach, Jeremy just wanted to beat everyone. “Yet in hindsight I was never on a level playing field,” he said. Jeremy’s time at TGS was constantly on the go, balancing schoolwork with music rehearsals and sport practice; there was never a dull moment in his very busy TGS life.

“Looking back, I truly believe that my time at Grammar with its highs and lows, shaped me into the man I am today.”
— Jeremy Peacock

“I was not the best at everything; I wasn’t Dux nor a Prefect, but I was consistent and always put 100% into any challenge that came my way.”

It took several years for Jeremy to accept his impairment. However, with the support and literal badgering from his triathlon friends, in 2020 Jeremy was encouraged to approach the Australian Institute of Sport for classification.

“This was a defining moment. I was subsequently categorised as a Paratriathlete and from that moment a new doorway opened,” he stated.

Destined to compete overseas for the first time just as COVID struck taught him patience and belief to “trust the process”. In 2022, after relocating to Girona in Spain to train with the Australian team and race on the international circuit, Jeremy had his breakthrough, winning gold at the World Triathlon Para Series in Montreal, Canada. He also went on to place third at his first World Championships in Abu Dhabi, backing up two days later to anchor the Australian team to gold in the first ever mixed Paratriathlon relay.

To cap off an excellent initial season with a consistent string of results, Jeremy was awarded the Triathlon Australia Individual Paratriathlete Male Performance of the Year. He achieved all of this whilst working full-time. “Unfortunately, like many Para sports in Australia, Paratriathlon does not receive substantial funding nor prize money,” said Jeremy.

“Most of my funding is from my fulltime job whilst also training 25-30 hours a week.” Jeremy has continued his success into 2023, recently winning the PTS4 World Triathlon Para Series race in Devonport, Tasmania and is currently preparing for upcoming races in Europe and the United States, culminating in the World Championships to be held in Pontevedra, Spain this September.

His advice to current TGS boys:

“Become fully immersed in the TGS life as you will form some fond memories of your time at TGS.

“Do what makes you happy; it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else. Set your sights high, you never know what you are capable of.”
— Jeremy Peacock

You can follow Jeremy's blog for updates and insights into his experiences leading up to the biggest race of his life.

Jeremy's Road to Paris 2024

Despite the challenges Jeremy has faced, he remains committed to giving his all in the pursuit of his Paralympic dream and now his sights are set on competing in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

Read the latest

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