In the words of one of the greatest leaders of all time, Albus Dumbledore, “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” The wise wizard spoke these words to Harry as he stood before the Mirror of Erised, a magical artifact that reveals one’s deepest desires. These words tell the story of the balance between our dreams and the richness of the present moment.
We live in a world that often urges us to focus on our aspirations; , sometimes we get so lost in our dreams that we do not enjoy what is the present. I am sure that is what all Year 12s are experiencing right now – caught up in visions of the future, the unknown awaiting them. And yet, this day has crept up on them. The culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and ambition has led us to this very day, and it might seem like it has arrived all too quickly. The final assembly, the last Warcry. It is almost over.
We have all had our dreams. Whether it’s a vision of a successful career, a fulfilling life, or simply making our mark on the world, we’ve all dared to dream. These dreams are powerful motivators but should not overshadow the richness of here and now.
So, it is fitting that we should honour our Year 12 Award winners. These exceptional young individuals have not only dared to dream but have lived their life with an unwavering dedication. They understood that while dreams inspire, the path they took to get here is just as inspiring. They have seized every opportunity during their time at TGS and have made the most of it.
The few moments they receive on stage today do not represent the time and effort they have given to achieving their goals. It is the true commitment that they show away from the limelight that produces the results shown on stage today. And these results, cannot go without mention.
Each boy has experienced the drive that compels them to rise at the crack of dawn for a six o’clock training or a three hour rehearsal after a long day of school. The drive that makes our basketballers and volleyballers work in the gym, day in, day out. The drive that makes our rugby teams so determined and focused. This drive is not just limited to the sports field, it extends to every Year 12s life, whether it be their commitment to the arts, their academic pursuits or other passions. Trainings, rehearsals, weekend sports game. And with this drive, comes power. The power to embrace every moment, no matter what. The power to grab every opportunity that comes your way.
These Year 12 awards are a true reflection of character and hard work, earned through the countless meetings, rehearsals and training sessions. For all this success, is the consistent diligence required to balance the homework, the assignments, the study, the sport, the music, the social life. As you can imagine, that is a little tricky.
We all have our own individual goals and dreams, but it is the Toowoomba Grammar School teaching staff who help us facilitate and achieve these. Without them, we would simply not be where we are today. So, to each and every one of you, thank you. Thank you all for going the extra mile. Tutoring, coaching, boarding. Early morning buses to sports events with music blasting in your ears. Entire afternoons given up, ensuring that we are ready for our external exams. The road has been challenging, but with challenges comes the rewards and hopefully we can all celebrate our successes soon. So, on behalf of the Year 12 cohort, thank you for everything you have done for us.
And now, to what most boys love about this school. Our co-curricular program. Just as every team needs its players, it also relies on the coaches, instructors and directors. The referees, match officials and music tutors. Thank you to all staff involved for your time and commitment. All the opportunities that are given to us to showcase our passion for the school wouldn’t be available if it wasn’t for your work. Thank you to our TGS groundkeepers for keeping our ovals pristine and in beautiful condition.
We only have the privilege of spending six years in the Senior School at Toowoomba Grammar. That’s just 24 terms. 240 weeks. Trust me, it goes by quickly. So, take every opportunity and do all you can at this school. The experiences, the friendships, and the lessons you gain during your time here are invaluable. Embrace every moment, get involved, and leave your mark. Don’t dwell on a dream alone; live in the present and make every moment count. As Grammarians, make sure you always play the game and always remain Fidelis in Omnibus.
- By Sewmith "TJ" Samarawickrama, 2023 Senior Prefect
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