“WO1 Sheppard has the right skills to get the job done and is committed to achieving all the tasks set to him during his time in rank, to the best of his ability.””— MAJ (AAC) Gary MacLachlan
Erik Sheppard – making Toowoomba Grammar School Army Cadet Unit history
The 2024 Dining in Night was made even more special with the appointment of the first Toowoomba Grammar School Army Cadet Unit (TGS ACU) Regimental Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Erik Sheppard who was awarded his rank and pace stick by the 16th Battalion Commanding officer MAJ (AAC) Gary MacLachlan.
WO1 Sheppard enlisted in the TGS ACU just before the COVID shutdown in 2020. Although this was not the ideal way to begin a cadet career, he was able to adapt and overcome the virtual parades, lessons via Teams and the continuously evolving COVID situation to come out stronger and more determined to achieve all he could within the TGS Army Cadets.
WO1 Sheppard attended his first promotion course in 2021 and was promoted to the rank of Corporal. As a Corporal, he demonstrated his commitment to Cadets by attending all Home Trainings, leading his section of recruits during Bivouacs, attending the Annual Field Exercise as a Section Commander and was fortunate enough to fly in the Army’s MRH-90 helicopter during the Oakey Aviation Centre’s Open Day.
Following on from 2022, WO1 Sheppard attended the Senior Leadership and Instructors Course in 2023 and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. During 2023, he completed three rounds of Weapons Training at Oakey, attended Oakey Aviation Open Day and was successful in the preselection for 2024 National Adventure Training Award.
At the end of 2023, interviews with the TGS ACU Commanding Officer were conducted with the inclusion of position preferences for the new year. WO1 Sheppard proudly nominated for both Company Sergeant Major (CSM) of TGS ACU and Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the 16th Battalion.
16th Battalion Army Cadets is the largest of all the Southern Queensland Battalions and is made up of school-based units including the Anglican Church Grammar School, The Southport School and St Paul's Anglican College. During 2024, WO1 Sheppard hopes to visit each of these units to see how they run and what they are doing to make the Army Cadet program all it can be.
MAJ (AAC) Gary MacLachlan had nothing but praise for the dedication and fortitude demonstrated during the recruitment phase.
This week, WO1 Sheppard along with SGT McKenzie are at the National Adventure Training Award in Tasmania. During this activity, the cadets will be tested through a multitude of challenging experiences including canyoning, abseiling, hiking and kayaking. Once complete, they will be awarded the prestigious ATA ‘golden boomerang’ badge, which is one of the highest honours in the Army Cadets.
WO1 Sheppard said he initially joined out of interest but quickly learnt that the TGS ACU was an opportunity to mix with new people and he said he has made some exceptionally good mates.
He credits cadets with helping him develop as a person and particularly hone his public speaking skills, “it has helped me look at problems from a new perspective as well as helping to increase my confidence when talking to other people and talking in front of larger groups of people.”
He said he is honoured to be the first RSM in TGS ACU history and explained the rank is a source of drill and dress knowledge for the younger cadets and he is aiming to uphold that standard.
Erik said he also wants to convey his experience, “my plans this year are to try to bring down some misconceptions around Cadets as well as try to bring the 16th Battalion closer together.”
“It’s a great way to meet new people as well as increase your confidence and have a lot of fun in the bush with your mates and do things you wouldn’t normally be able to do.”
TGS ACU is looking forward to watching and learning from WO1 Sheppard as he shares his leadership and stewardship with the younger recruits. TGS ACU is proud to welcome the first RSM ever in the Unit’s history and wish him all the best.
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