Family connections is a vital aspect of our Toowoomba Grammar School boarding program that we hold close to our heart. Our Heads of House regularly make the effort to visit our boarding families so they have a better understanding of our boarders' lives, the challenges and experiences, and staff always enjoy the warmth and hospitality provided by families. Head of Corfe House, Henry White and his wife, Samantha recently spent a weekend with the Acton family on Dalgonally Station near Julia Creek, thoroughly enjoying the memorable experience that Henry has shared below...

The trip was certainly an eye-opener for both of us and, for me, as a Head of House - Boarding, the experience was invaluable – perhaps one of the most formative professional experiences I’ve had to date. This was the first opportunity I’ve had to step into the home of one of my boarders, live with them and their family, and understand life on a remote property. I left Julia Creek with a profound sense of empathy for the experience of remote families, uncovering first-hand the trust that families need to have in boarding schools, the importance they place on effective communication between boarding houses and homes, and the value of real opportunities for connection.

Seeing ‘boys from the bush’ in action at home has also given me a much clearer insight into the challenges a boarder from a remote community must feel when transitioning into a boarding house. After hanging out with Tom and his brothers fishing, hunting, riding motorbikes and horses, it was clear that many boys in similar circumstances live with a great sense of freedom to explore and exercise their curiosity, much of which is somewhat stymied by the structure, routine, rules, and expectations of a middle-years boarding house. Now, please let me clarify – I am still of the opinion that clearly established expectations, routines, and age-appropriate discipline is fundamental to boarding and the development of good character – this is my responsibility to uphold and I intend to maintain this standard – but I now have a completely different point of view regarding the level of independence and trust that can be placed in a boarder within a boarding house, knowing the level of independence and trust they are given at home.

Perhaps most importantly, our trip to Dalgonally and our time with the Acton family have taught us, first- hand, the immense value of establishing positive relationships with boarding families. When working within the pastoral sphere, building connections with boys and their families is inherently part of the job. However, I fear that sometimes, when donning my ‘Head of House’ cap, my relationships with our boarding families are limited to newsletter articles, administrative reminders, and the unfortunate call home about a behavioural concern or disciplinary matter. As such, I can’t thank Sarah and Philip enough for this opportunity; we arrived at Dalgonally for “a few nights with a boarding family”, and we left having stayed “a few nights with friends”. Thank you for bringing us into your home, for filling our bellies with amazing station meat, for teaching me how to crack a whip, for the useful advice about the best bait for catfish, and for letting us help butcher a bull!

- Henry White, Head of Corfe House

Henry White at the Acton family

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Old Boys
Thursday, 11 Jan 2024

What Old Boys Have Contributed to TGS Over Time

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Sports & Activities
Thursday, 11 Jan 2024

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The Arts
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

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Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

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Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

TGS Corfe House - A Home for Young Boarders

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Junior School
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

TGS Mates Program - Character Building Education

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Old Boys
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

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The Arts
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Sports & Activities
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023

TGS Success in GPS Sport

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