“I wanted to allow the audience to see the world through someone else’s eyes.”— Ben Rosenberg
A TGS Old Boy Ben Rosenberg has been included as one of 37 from 1500 entries around the state to be featured at the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) in Brisbane.
2023 Visual Arts student Ben Rosenberg (TGS 2019-2023) had his film “Mitchell” selected and it's now on display as part of the 2024 Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art at GoMA.
For 30 years the Awards have recognised and promoted excellence in senior visual art education throughout Queensland schools. Secondary schools typically enter the work of up to four Senior students. Previous winners from TGS include Sam McCosker (2013) and Austin Reed (2017).
is a filmmaker and through his Visual Art studies at school, he was able to
continue to explore his passion. Ben wanted to make a documentary about
Mitchell Wilkes.
Mitchell is now in Year 10 and continues to navigate the world with deteriorating eyesight. Ben created his prize-winning video artwork from his documentary footage as his goal was to “create images that serve as portals into Mitchell’s vision, contrasting them with clear cinematography”.
Last Saturday, Ben and the other winners of the 2023 competition, Creative Generations alumni, invited guests, and the Minister for Education attended the opening of the exhibition.
Ben’s ultimate goal is to “write and direct feature films”. He is currently in his first year at Bond University studying Film.
“It’s important that our boys get to see, first-hand, quality artwork created by their peers.”— Mr Giles Murfin
This week we’ll be taking our Senior Visual Art students to see the show and admire the high standard of artwork from some very talented Queensland students.
Understanding the wide variety of ways in which artists communicate their intentions helps our students succeed with their own work, and helps them understand how contemporary art challenges, entertains, and informs the viewer.
Our students now utilise a wider range of media in their Visual Art studies including photography, digital media, installation, performance, mixed-media and, of course, video. This year we’re preparing more student work to be entered into a number of competitions, including the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art. Watch this space!
You can read more about Year 10 student Mitchell Wilkes in the upcoming OMNIBUS magazine.
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