A recent Grattan Institute report has shared that one-third of Australian students are failing to learn to read proficiently, referring to the situation as a ‘preventable tragedy’. In addition, the report identifies evidence-based approaches utilising structured literacy programs with phonics and explicit instruction as the most effective methods of teaching literacy.

At Toowoomba Grammar School, we implement a structured synthetic phonics approach to teaching spelling and reading that focuses on developing children's phonological awareness and decoding skills from Prep through to Year 6, which aligns to the recommendations of the Grattan Reports. The program we promote from Prep through to Year 6 is called Promoting Literacy Development (PLD). This program is underpinned by the Science of Reading and supported by the SPELD Foundation.

The Science of Reading advocates that reading is a learned skill that must be explicitly taught. Developing reading proficiency is a complex process involving phonological awareness (the ability to recognise and manipulate the sounds in spoken language), decoding (the ability to sound out words based on their letter-sound relationships), fluency (the ability to read with speed and accuracy), vocabulary knowledge, and comprehension (the ability to understand what is being read).

Our PLD program is delivered through explicit teaching methods. Explicit teaching is a group of research-supported instructional behaviours that provide the necessary support for successful learning through clarity of language and purpose and the reduction of cognitive load. It promotes active student engagement by requiring frequent and varied responses followed by appropriate affirmative and corrective feedback. Moreover, it assists in long-term retention through using purposeful practice strategies (Hughes, Morris, Therrien and Benson, 2017). This approach contrasts with more exploratory or inquiry-based methods, focusing instead on providing students with foundational knowledge and skills in a methodical manner.

In the context of literacy and numeracy, explicit teaching entails deliberate teacher modelling and meticulously explanation of the rules, patterns and strategies underlying language and numbers. It goes beyond assuming that students will naturally grasp these fundamentals through exposure alone. Instead, it recognises the need for structured guidance to ensure mastery.

For students at Toowoomba Grammar School, explicit teaching offers distinct advantages. Research shows that students benefit from clear and ordered instruction, particularly in the early stages of literacy and numeracy. Explicit teaching can also lead to higher levels of engagement and achievement due to preventing cognitive overload. A review conducted by the Australian Education Research Organisation in 2023 found that explicit teaching positively impacts student achievement in mathematics, reading, spelling, problem-solving and science. The studies also found that it works for both primary and secondary students and benefits students with and without additional learning needs.

Through a systematic and structured phonics program (PLD), our students have been mastering the essential skills needed to decode words and understand their meaning. PLD’s Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) approach is based on international research and the resources are upgraded as new research becomes available. In addition, our programs are independently assessed by third-party researchers. This research has shown that when PLD programs are used, in conjunction with ongoing professional development and school-wide consistent screening and tracking, measurable differences occur.

In addition to phonics, we've placed a strong emphasis on building word knowledge. This includes expanding vocabulary, learning about word families and patterns, and exploring the origins of words. By understanding the building blocks of language, our students are better equipped to tackle even the most challenging words.

If you’d like further information about Toowoomba Grammar School’s approach to literacy in the Junior School, please contact the School at communications@twgs.qld.edu.au.

- by Chantelle Bauer, TGS Junior School Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning)

Prep teacher, Mrs Eloise O'Connell teaching students to read

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