Toowoomba Grammar School's Year 7C English has been studying 'Cool Runnings' to learn about how stories or movies based on real life aren't always completely true.
Extremely fascinated by the topic, young student Harry Ryan took it upon himself to message (via LinkedIn) the bobsled driver, Mr Dudley Stokes - he responded!
After a little communication between the two, Harry asked Mr Stokes if he could FaceTime him during an English lesson, to 'meet' his teacher Mr Paul Irwin and classmates and to discuss his career - he said yes!
So, in a big surprise to all the class - including Mr Irwin - Harry 'interrupted' his English lesson with his special guest, Mr Dudley. He shared some funny stories and wise words with the boys, advising them that you should always follow your dreams, work hard, be persistent and never give up!
What a wonderful experience and terrific initiative from Harry! Mr Irwin said it was a highlight in his teaching career!
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