This weekend Toowoomba Grammar School First Team players will debut a special competitive uniform featuring Indigenous designs to mark National Reconciliation Week.

The one-of-a-kind Indigenous artwork is emblazoned across the shirts for the First IV Tennis team, jerseys for the First XI Football team and First XV Rugby team and First V Basketball team's singlets.

National Reconciliation Week is a significant date on the calendar for all Australians, running from Monday, 27 May to Monday, 3 June.

The incorporation of this Indigenous design in our uniforms is a significant milestone for our School, especially for our 47 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who attend TGS.

“The fact that non-Indigenous students and Indigenous students will be wearing it, shows that we’re proud of our country’s culture and our history.”
Mr Scott Gale, TGS Indigenous Education Coordinator

This week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to reconciliation in Australia.

The theme for 2024 National Reconciliation Week is ‘Now More Than Ever’.

As part of this significant week, Toowoomba Grammar School and St Joseph’s Nudgee College will acknowledge this country’s rich and diverse history with an Indigenous Round.

The Indigenous designs on our singlets and jerseys were created by Winton artist, Travis Harbour.

“I'm honoured to have the artwork on the jerseys and see it used for a prominent and positive purpose - it's special to have it shared and appreciated.”
— Mr Travis Harbour, Indigenous Artist

The art on the jerseys is centralised around the TGS campus as a place of learning and storytelling – the lines stemming from this signify the journey that each member takes to get to and from their home communities.

Mr Harbour and his wife, Tracey run a First Nation’s business called Jibija Ung-Gwee, a sustainable outback enterprise that offers a distinctive cultural experience and hires Indigenous people in meaningful employment.

Travis lives in Winton with his large extended family and has been creating bush art pieces for nearly 30 years. He's a recent recipient of the John Villiers Outback Art Award and all his projects are infused with his bush knowledge, something that's reflected in the special design our boys will wear this weekend.

Toowoomba Grammar School is proud to promote a culture of diversity, inclusivity and reconciliation, particularly focusing on our Australian heritage.

Come along this weekend and support our players - here are the First game times:

  • First IV Tennis – 8:30am TGS Tennis Courts
  • First V Basketball – 11:00am Glen McCracken Sports Centre
  • First XI Football – 1:15pm Old Boys’ Memorial Oval
  • First XV Rugby – 3:40pm Mills Oval

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