The next time you visit the School grounds, pause for a moment at the Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys' Wall of Achievement. This concept was the initiative of the then Deputy Headmaster, Mr Roger Buttenshaw, and was supported by the Board of Trustees, Headmasters Mr Hugh Rose and Mr Peter Hauser, and the TGSOBA - Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys' Association. The opening of the Wall of Achievement took place in 2003.
Thousands of TGS Old Boys have gone on to lead productive and valuable lives consistent with the time-honoured values of integrity, loyalty, honesty, compassion, respect for others and recognition of the value of effective teamwork. The School seeks to develop these qualities in the current students so that they will mature into good men.
The current students are also encouraged to aspire to do as well as they can in their chosen fields of endeavour. The various plaques on the Wall of Achievement serve as exemplars, telling students to dream big and show pride in their School and the achievements of its past students.
Amongst the former TGS students listed on the Wall of Achievement are:
- The inventor of the rapid transit galloping ambulance used during World War One.
- Rhodes Scholars.
- The Dental Surgeon by appointment to the Royal Family of the United Kingdom.
- An internationally acclaimed magician.
- Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games representatives.
- Diplomats.
- An internationally renowned photographer.
- The Commander of the 5th Light Horse Brigade who was also the first Australian to reach the rank of General.
- A Commonwealth Attorney-General.
- A recipient of a United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights award.
- A recipient of a gold medal for bravery by the Royal Humane Society of England.
- A Junior Doubles tennis champion at Wimbledon.
- Founders of international companies.
- Authors, researchers and academics.
- A captain of an Australian rugby league team.
- A world record holder in perpetuity for the professional 440-yard sprint.
- A captain of an Australian rugby sevens team.
- Federal, state and local politicians.
- CEOs of multinational firms.
- The personal Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to King George VI of England.
- Engineers of international repute.
- An international concert pianist.
- A Queen's Medallion winner for poetry.
- Actors on the international stage.
- A member of the World Health Organisation's Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health.
- A Supreme Court judge.
- A World Bank consultant.
- A former Governor of Victoria.
- A former Governor of New South Wales.
- Rugby Union internationals.
- An acting Governor-General of Australia.
All students at Toowoomba Grammar School have every reason to be proud of their School and the achievements of its Old Boys. More importantly, the current students should be proud of all Old Boys who have matured to be good men – men loyal to their family and partners, men who have displayed honesty, kindness, compassion, resilience, respect for others, respect for hard work and who made useful contributions to society.
- Mr Peter Hauser, Headmaster (2003-19)
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