“In truth, no one knows exactly what the future will bring, although many have theories. What is clear to me is that we have a significant role to play today in preparing the boys of Toowoomba Grammar School for whatever career pathway they choose.”Dr John C. Kinniburgh, Headmaster
The new Design, Engineering and Technology (DET) Centre marks a significant step in TGS’s evolution and our commitment to blending traditional educational excellence with future-focused learning opportunities.
For months I have been watching the earthworks being undertaken ahead of construction for the new DET Centre at Toowoomba Grammar School with interest. It is hard to miss, given that the Headmaster’s residence, our family home, is right next to the building site. The vibrations can be unsettling, and the noises are constant. However, each day reminds me of the important work underway to secure a part of the School’s future.
Soon, all boys at TGS will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new environment to study existing and new subjects and curriculum pathways relevant to the technology-driven global economy. They will be able to engage in innovative pedagogies and resources that will tackle real-world problems whilst exposing them to future-focused opportunities.
The Herries Street Precinct development, with the DET Centre at its heart, will offer innovative learning areas equipped for practical and theoretical applications. It will provide students with purpose-built facilities to pursue their chosen pathways and staff with first-class areas to deliver their teaching. While TGS has always inspired academic success, we are now entering a new phase of development that is focused on the future. It’s truly an exciting time to be at Toowoomba Grammar School.
Why Futureproofing is Important
It is not possible to really know what lies ahead for the boys of Toowoomba Grammar School when they enter the workforce, nor are we able to really know the changes that will affect them over time. At the beginning of Term 4, I shared with colleagues information from a September 2024 Harvard Business Review article, “What 570 Experts Predict the Future of Work Will Look Like.”
This caught my attention because, as Headmaster, I am constantly thinking about what knowledge and skills current and future students of TGS will need to prepare them for future work opportunities. The article poses questions from three perspectives regarding the future of work:
- The Optimist envisions technology as a catalyst for unprecedented advances, leading us into an age of abundance through AI and robotics.
- The Sceptic contends that while robots haven’t yet taken over jobs, new technologies will enhance productivity and create better employment opportunities.
- The Pessimist warns that this time may be different, potentially bringing negative impacts on workers’ conditions and accelerating automation over human labour.
The central tenet of the article is the uncertainty surrounding the future of work — might this also be applied to education? The article poses an intriguing question:
“Will progress define our future, or will it result in de-growth or something in between?”
As suggested by the authors, opinions appear divided among optimistic tech entrepreneurs, sceptical economists and pessimistic writers. Experts from these fields, 570 in total, were asked to rank the likelihood of predictions that were made in 485 newspaper articles. The results suggest the following as being most likely to occur:
- Increased automation in various sectors.
- Emergence of new job categories and industries.
- Greater emphasis on lifelong learning and adaptability.
- Potential widening of the skills gap and income inequality.
- Necessity for educational institutions to adapt curricula to future needs.
So, how might this influence what we do at Toowoomba Grammar School? What does this mean for our boys as we prepare them for work beyond School? What are their prospects and how can we tailor our approaches to them? Are current methods of teaching and instruction appropriate, or should we try something new — or perhaps a mix of both?
Ongoing Considerations in Education
The way in which education is delivered in Australia is continually subject to debate. Despite substantial funding initiatives and ongoing reforms at both the state and federal levels, concerns persist about educational outcomes and international competitiveness.
Another key debate that I regularly consider regards the fundamental purpose of education. Should education be viewed primarily as preparation for future employment or valued for its broader role in developing knowledge and understanding? These do not need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, I would argue they are inextricably linked. Further discussion also relates to whether the school curriculum should be focused on breadth or whether it should seek to specialise. I feel our curriculum offering has always provided breadth and depth and that this remains important, particularly in the foundational stages before specialisation can occur.
A Demographer’s Perspective
As the School strives to provide the best opportunities and pathways for its students, we occasionally engage external consultants to update us on trends and patterns relating to the community. Recently, Toowoomba Grammar School engaged Simon Keustenmacher, a demographer, to share his insights with the Executive and School Board about issues affecting Toowoomba, Queensland and Australia, as well as emerging opportunities for the future. He shared some interesting points for us to consider:
- Skills Shortage: Australia faces significant skills shortages in sectors like aged care and trades, exacerbated by an aging workforce. There is an urgent need for a young, skilled labour force.
- Technology and Industry: Automation and technology can address labour shortages but also risk job displacement. Industries like mining and agriculture are expected to thrive with global demand and technological advancements.
- The Role of Schools: In addition to university pathways, schools should prepare students for future labour markets by emphasising trade skills and practical education.
- Investment in Training: Increased investment in skill-based training programs is essential to meet high-demand sector needs.
- Community Partnerships: Strong community partnerships are crucial for economic and educational goals, enhancing career guidance and providing contextualisation for real-world learning.
- Diverse Career Paths: Emphasis on trades and entrepreneurship is vital.
Liberal Education at TGS
There is increasing recognition of the importance of balancing modern educational needs with classical learning, often called a liberal education. At TGS, this concept isn’t new; we already integrate its core principles into our philosophy. Historically, what exactly is a liberal education?
A liberal education traditionally encompasses studies in the classics, literature, the humanities and moral virtues, engaging with ideological subjects. This educational philosophy is longstanding and historically emphasises seven key areas: grammar, logic, rhetoric, astronomy/astrology, music, geometry and arithmetic. In the 19th century, there was a notable shift towards more specialised degrees, particularly in fields such as medicine and law.
A liberal education for the 21st century involves enhancing integrated high-impact learning opportunities that engage students in real-world problems across various domains and within the context of the workforce. It is about critical thinking and how to be a citizen of character — these experiences are important. It is essential, therefore, for schools to provide opportunities for analysis and discussion of a wide range of concepts and materials, enabling students to really develop the ability to approach new ideas with confidence.
This modern approach focuses on both intellectual development and practical skills, demonstrating its effectiveness in preparing students for the complexities of a changing world.
At Toowoomba Grammar School, our contemporary adoption of a liberal education promotes both personal and intellectual growth by allowing students to explore various interests and create their own paths, thus preparing them for diverse roles in a changing world. By connecting different disciplines, individuals can specialise while applying knowledge across various fields.
We emphasise traditional educational approaches alongside holistic development through electives and enrichment opportunities. This aligns brilliantly with our philosophy, valuing broad knowledge as required by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).
We also recognise that learning transcends conventional academics, catering to varied student interests and abilities, including vocational training. Vocational programs provide practical experience, promoting critical thinking and creativity — essential components of a liberal education.
“Our goal is to develop open-minded individuals who think independently, reflect on their actions and understand their roles in society and nature.”Dr John C. Kinniburgh, Headmaster
In many respects, Toowoomba Grammar School has always adopted this approach, and I am proud that we maintain these traditional connections whilst adopting a contemporary lens for our curriculum. Again, I think this remains true to Our Purpose: educating boys and developing their good character for life. As societal needs evolve, so do school curriculums; maintaining traditional education foundations is important while at the same time offering a broader range of contemporary subjects. Our students will always have the opportunity to study a broad base of knowledge and specialise as their subject range reduces in their chosen pathway.
The New Design, Engineering and Technology Centre
The DET Centre represents our commitment to blending traditional educational excellence with future-focused learning opportunities. By creating spaces where theoretical knowledge meets practical application, we’re enhancing TGS’s ability to deliver a contemporary liberal education that prepares students for whatever pathway they choose. This development marks another significant step in TGS’s evolution, maintaining our heritage of academic excellence while embracing the emerging needs of a rapidly changing world. It truly is an exciting time to be part of the TGS community.
Dries, N., Luyckx, J. and Rogiers, P. (2024, September). What 570 Experts Predict the Future of Work Will Look Like. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October, 2024, from https://hbr.org/2024/09/what-570-experts-predict-the-future-of-work-will-look-like
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