Starting at a new school can be a time of mixed feelings – very exciting, but also quite daunting and challenging. Here are some tips from some Year 7 Grammar boys who started Senior School in 2023.

Get involved in different sports and activities

Toowoomba Grammar School provides many sports and activities that any student can participate in. As a current Year 7 student, I highly recommend trying out as many different sports and activities as you can. Throughout my first year in high school, I have learnt that participating in sports and activities is a great opportunity to socialise with mates and make new friends. The coaching and facilities provided is a great way to either extend your knowledge of the sport, learn new things, and improve your existing skills.

Toowoomba Grammar School is part of the Great Public Schools’ Association of Queensland (GPS), which consists of nine schools from Southeast Queensland competing in a wide array of sports and activities. Participating in the GPS competition is a memorable experience. From representing your School with pride, to the atmosphere of watching the Open and 1st teams compete against the opposing schools.

Don’t be afraid to have go and try new sports and activities as TGS has a wonderful, welcoming team environment and I am sure that you will enjoy every moment. - Eddy Beverland

Just be yourself

Know that you can always ask teachers for academic help or social support. Don’t feel like you must try and be someone you are not to fit in because there all sorts of people that will have the same or similar interests as you.

Set goals that you want to achieve before the end of the term or the end of the year.

Try and be the best person you can, always be kind and don’t be someone who makes others feel left out or someone who hurts other people’s feelings. There are always going to be people who are new to the School, so don’t think that you are the only one. - Tom Rawlings

Try new things

When you first come to Grammar get involved in as many sports and activities as you can. Getting involved is a good way to have some fun and a chance to try sports you have never tried before. Give new sports a go as you could end up really enjoying it.

Playing sport is a great way to keep yourself busy and meet new friends. GPS sports are a great way to spend your Saturday because you can head down to Brisbane with your mates, play a game against a Brisbane school and have some fun. Give everything a go and don’t hesitate to try new things! - Charlie Beckwith

Tips for making new friends

Making new friends at a new school can be a daunting task but here are my top tips:

Sitting next to people and just talking and working together can be a strong friendship starter which is easy to do. Sit next to someone new in the classroom or if you are a boarder you may want to sit with new people at dinner. The reality is that in Year 7 everyone is new in the Senior School and every boy is in the same position so just start up a conversation. Also take advantage of the activities at lunch. Although the library is a good option if you need some quiet time or to get some homework done. I love getting out and heading for a quick basketball game during lunch. I’m not great at basketball, but it doesn’t matter, it is a chance to run off some energy and meet heaps of other kids not in your class.

Another simple way to make new friends is to get involved in as many activities as you can. The more the better! For example, join a musical band. If this is not your style than join any of the clubs - photography or chess might be your thing. There are also so many different sports – even if you don’t love sport, I am sure you will find one that you might enjoy. You don’t need to be a rugby or cricket fanatic, maybe volleyball or basketball might suit you better. In my personal experience when I play sports, I make new friendships and strengthen those that I already have.

Making new friends at a new school can be a scary task but you just need to put yourself out there and be confident. - Benjamin Gentry, Year 7

Tips for managing homework

It’s important to stay organised so that you can complete your priorities, such as your schoolwork and assignments, and you won’t forget them once they are written down in your diary. Set aside specific times to complete your assignments and homework. It will be much easier if you divide larger assignments and homework into smaller, more manageable portions and set aside specific times for each.

Once you’re done, you can spend some time doing what you like. It’s important to take breaks when you’re studying which might be as simple as walking outside, talking to your friends or just doing what you like to do. Working in a quiet, nice environment where you won’t be distracted is important so you can give your schoolwork your whole attention.

Don’t hesitant to ask questions. If there is anything you don’t understand, just ask the teachers, they are nice, helpful and will explain everything to you. The boys at Toowoomba Grammar School are also incredibly kind and considerate so don’t hesitate to reach out to them as well! - Iskcon Gyawali, Year 7

Euert Juerken, Year 11 and Joseph Sedl, Year 8

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