The concept of stewardship at a school in its 150th year is not new.

However, the challenges facing the Director of Facilities, Mr Bengie Dickeson and the Director of Information Technology, Mr Ron Robinson certainly are.

This month's weather has been nothing if not unpredictable and it's in those conditions that both these men's skills come to the fore. With Tropical Cyclone Alfred and its threat to our School campus and community - Mr Bengie Dickeson and Mr Ron Robinson played integral roles in keeping everyone and everything on our 150-year-old campus safe. Thankfully the damage was not as bad as predicted, some trees have fallen and some buildings need repair but in the main we were lucky. Here we'll introduce you to their larger ethos of each of their vital roles.

Mr Benie Dickeson and Mr Ron Robinson are key players in times of inclement weather at our School

Director of Facilities — Mr Bengie Dickeson

It has been almost a year since Mr Dickeson joined the School and he still finds joy in seeing School House bathed in sunlight as he leaves most afternoons. “As I turn around and look at the building lit up, it’s certainly a highlight of my day,” he says.

Originally from Adelaide but long settled in Toowoomba, Mr Dickeson began his career with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), working on FA/18 Hornet fighter jets at RAAF Base Tindal in the Northern Territory. After leaving the RAAF, he continued as a defence contractor, most recently serving as National Facilities Operations Manager with Raytheon Australia.

His role as Director of Facilities at TGS is new and comes with the enormous task of future-proofing the School for another 150 years. Ensuring the facilities are safe, secure and always looking their best is a significant responsibility. Mr Dickeson is introducing modern facility management methodologies, noting, “Technology is advancing and we’re adopting these changes as we move into the future; we’ve got to do things differently.”

Managing over 40 buildings on the 21-hectare campus is akin to running a small town, complete with top-tier sports facilities.

“Leveraging technology to improve efficiency and boost sustainability is not easy and takes time. A staged approach delivers short-term benefits while we plan and implement long-term strategies to improve the facilities for the boys for years to come.”
Mr Bengie Dickeson

Under the leadership of then CFO Mrs Christina Onley, TGS has already made significant investments in sustainability and reducing operational costs. Mr Dickeson adds, “The School is large, so reducing energy usage is no small task. It’s a significant investment that will save money and enable a more sustainable operation — a good foundation for the next 150 years.”

For Mr Dickeson, facilities that run efficiently and sustainably serve as a model for students to follow in their own lives. “It’s our job to ensure future generations are inspired by our lead-by-example approach in managing the School’s operations.”

His ultimate goal? To leave a lasting legacy of strong systems, processes and policies that will guide the School long after his tenure ends.

Director of Facilities, Mr Bengie Dickeson bring operational experience at a national level to his new role at TGS

Director of Information Technology — Mr Ron Robinson

Mr Ron Robinson likens information technology to the School’s circulatory system, calling it “the arteries, veins and capillaries.” In today’s highly connected world, contemporary education relies on technology and the department’s role is to empower educators and facilitate student learning.

Mr Robinson has accumulated extensive experience from managing IT departments in organisations such as the Wagner Corporation, Queensland Gas Corporation, Queensland Diagnostic Imaging, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and, most recently, St Andrew’s Hospital.

Hailing from Far North Queensland, he has lived in Toowoomba for over 30 years. At TGS, he has revamped the IT systems, saying he “took apart the Lego house, rebuilding it from the ground up to ensure a strong and efficient infrastructure to support student learning outcomes.”

Mr Robinson highlights that safety and security hold the utmost importance in an educational context.

“Whenever new technology is introduced, there are inherent risks involved. The challenge lies in mitigating these risks without impeding the learning process.”
Mr Ron Robinson

TGS provides students with their laptops, which introduces certain inherent risks. “We have a duty of care and that duty should follow the laptop wherever the student is,” Mr Robinson said. Whether it’s minimising distractions in the classroom or ensuring students are not accessing inappropriate content, the focus is unashamedly on their education and their wellbeing.

The IT Department consistently and proactively reviews age-appropriate restrictions for school-aged children. There are differing opinions about these control measures; while many parents endorse them, some express reservations. Nonetheless, Mr Robinson remarks, “I would much rather maximise the protection of the student.”

The adverse effects of social media, for example, are of significant concern, so the School controls and restricts access to more volatile platforms that may directly or indirectly pose a risk to students. While students use Facebook, like many other platforms, it is restricted during class times, while all student activity is monitored by one of the best pastoral care (wellbeing) platforms available.

Director of Information and Technology, Mr Rob Robinson wants the School to be seen as a leader in cyber safety and environmental awareness for students

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Stewardship: Leading the Way in Safety, Sustainability and Security

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