Current research into character education has shown that educators should not be focusing solely on preparing students for their Year 12 final exams but should be supporting them to become humans who exhibit good character and virtues to contribute to creating a healthier society (The Jubilee Centre, 2022). The Jubilee Centre, which is attached to the University of Birmingham in the UK, maintains that good character is the foundation for improved attainment, better behaviour, increased employability and, most importantly, flourishing societies. Furthermore, Clarke, McLellan and Harold (2023) and Morris (2015) contend that students need to develop a strong sense of self to achieve academically and develop critical and reflective thinking whilst developing a conscience that allows them to engage in the wider community after school. According to Spratt (2015), schools are uniquely positioned to explicitly nurture the character skills and dispositions needed to become individuals who flourish, contribute to society, and lead meaningful lives.
In the Junior School, the staff recognise that we are fundamental in building the foundation of this very important process. Given this understanding, the Junior School has introduced a fortnightly vertical House meeting, which we have named Mates. Mates aims to enhance the current Pastoral Care program by providing students with opportunities to participate in activities that assist them in developing the skills to be independent, well-balanced and successful in life, as well as to respond well to challenges and achieve lifelong wellbeing.
Each term, there is a topic or theme chosen through consulting research and surveying students and staff. This topic allows boys to practice skills that will develop their character. In Term 2, the boys participated in activities that honed their ability to acknowledge and follow the rules of a game. For Term 3, the boys are building their resilience in a variety of ways, from attempting tasks they may not be able to finish and playing games that rely on luck, not skill. During the sessions, our oldest Junior School boys assist and lead our younger students in completing the tasks with a sense of responsibility and pride. Following the practical experience, the boys have a House discussion led by their Head of House, sharing ideas for ways they may complete the task next time and issues they noticed during the task.
The boys have engaged in these lessons with great humility and respect. The older boys have identified their need to communicate effectively and be aware of all boys’ skill levels when working together as a House. Moving forward, the boys will be engaging in topics like conflict resolution, teamwork and positivity during challenging times, as well as discussing the history and traditions of our School and the importance of upholding them. Throughout the sessions, boys are encouraged to show integrity in all that they do by doing things because it is right and not because they are seeking rewards.
We believe that developing the character of our boys will allow them to develop the integral skills required at key times during their education and life (Ganeson and Ehrich 2013).
- Mrs Jessica Galbraith, Teacher - Junior School
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