“Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds.” William Shakespeare (Macbeth, 1606)

Heart Disease, Cancer, and Alzheimer's. Three life-threatening diseases. Three diseases all linked to lack of sleep. According to Dr. Okorie from the children’s health division of Stanford University, “7 out of 10 high school students are falling short of… (sleep) on school nights.” The Bulk of American teens are not getting enough sleep. The answer: education.

Sleep is crucial in maintaining and furthering physical health. every 90 minutes whilst asleep growth hormones are released. These hormones are responsible for repairing injuries and growing muscles. When we suffer from lack of sleep, less muscle growth, as well as reduced strength, is experienced. A study from the National Library of Medicine found that students who experienced less sleep scored lower in strength tests. They observed that students who got less than “6 hours (of sleep) had poorer muscle strength than that of men who slept for 7-8 hours”. Once we fall into the trap of poor sleep it can be difficult to break the cycle. Consequently, teenagers need better education regarding sleep so that they too don’t fall victim to this silent plague. With more education students will be able to understand and act towards getting a full night’s sleep.

One might object here and state that teenagers have a different natural sleep cycle. It has been argued that teenagers release the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin later at night. This makes it difficult to fall asleep before that time. Whilst this contains elements of truth it can be worked around easily. The US nationwide children’s Hospital website contains extensive information and tips for teenagers regarding sleep. They state that “Maintaining a regular sleep schedule… Taking afternoon naps (and) avoiding caffeine” in the afternoons are all effective strategies for getting a full night of sleep. Whilst this is a great resource and there are many similar articles, without proper education students will have no reason to act on or even find such information. Without proper education how can we expect teenagers to experience consistent and comprehensive sleep?

There needs to be better education about the significant impact that sleep plays on the life of a high school student. Everyday millions of students attend school or university suffering from sleep deprivation. Actions need to be taken before the serious consequences of sleep deprivation become prevalent. Education is the answer. With a better understanding, students will be able to recognise and act towards maintaining healthy sleeping habits. We mustn’t rely solely on educators. This issue affects everybody and so it is up to everybody to inform and make a difference.

By Archer Bracey, Year 9 TGS student

Works Cited

Brooks, A. (2019, August 22). 70% of High Schoolers Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep. Healthier, Happy Lives Blog. https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/70-of-high-schoolers-arent-getting-enough-sleep/

Cui, Y. (2017). Relationship between sleep and muscle strength among Chinese university students. Relationship between sleep and muscle strength among Chinese university students: a cross-sectional study - PMC (nih.gov)

Shakespeare, W., (1606.). The Tragedie of Macbeth. (Playscript). Quote by William Shakespeare: “Innocent sleep. Sleep that soothes away all our...” (goodreads.com)

Nationwide Childrens. (2003). Sleep in Adolescents. Retrieved May 29, 2023. Sleep in Adolescents (nationwidechildrens.org)

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