The Interact Club successfully raised over $10,000 last year for charities and services on a local, statewide and international scale through the hard work and commitment of its members. With these funds, the Interact Club has donated Backpack Blankets to Toowoomba's homeless, helped AEIOU's efforts in supporting children with autism, contributed to the "Are You Bogged Mate?" campaign for rural mental health and raised funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. As well as many other individual initiatives, the Interact Club remains committed to supporting the education of our sponsor student, Sara, at The School of St Jude in Tanzania, with the aim of breaking the cycle of poverty in her community through education. The club's actions can also be seen on a local level such as supporting the 2023 Domestic and Family Violence Remembrance Day march and candlelight vigil. Interact Club members learn that small actions and simple conversations about important issues can not only have an impact on themselves but also positively impact the lives of others, ultimately improving the community we live in.
Students are eligible to join Interact Club from Year 10, and with over 100 boys on the club's roll, service is clearly at the heart of Toowoomba Grammar School's ethos. Senior members of the club commit to providing service opportunities for the whole School through our House system, which ensures boys of all ages are given a voice to propose and modify initiatives. In 2023 alone, this has taken the form of The Push-Up Challenge, World's Greatest Shave and volunteering to help run the LifeFlight Gala Dinner, as well as hosting after-school activities in the Junior School.
At its core, the Interact Club holds the belief that community service is profoundly important in our development as young men. Through service, students are given a sense of purpose and empathy that broadens their horizons and perspectives. Rather than focusing solely on fundraising, the Interact Club encourages boys to donate their time by giving back to the community and focusing on the why.
Despite the challenges presented when balancing academic, co-curricular and personal commitments, boys are actively encouraged to pursue action in matters they believe are important. Whether it simply be a visit to a nursing home to have a conversation with an elderly resident or spreading awareness of a particular charity at a TGS home game, these seemingly inconsequential acts can bring about immense change. Members should be happy with the great work done so far and rest assured that the club will continue to be in good hands in the future. Polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk said, "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." and the Interactors remain happy to help.
- by 2023 TGS Interact President, Sam Gladwin
The Interact Club successfully raised over $10,000 last year for charities and services on a local, statewide and international scale through the hard work and commitment of its members. With these funds, the Interact Club has donated Backpack Blankets to Toowoomba's homeless, helped AEIOU's efforts in supporting children with autism, contributed to the "Are You Bogged Mate?" campaign for rural mental health and raised funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. As well as many other individual initiatives, the Interact Club remains committed to supporting the education of our sponsor student, Sara, at The School of St Jude in Tanzania, with the aim of breaking the cycle of poverty in her community through education. The club's actions can also be seen on a local level such as supporting the 2023 Domestic and Family Violence Remembrance Day march and candlelight vigil. Interact Club members learn that small actions and simple conversations about important issues can not only have an impact on themselves but also positively impact the lives of others, ultimately improving the community we live in.
Students are eligible to join Interact Club from Year 10, and with over 100 boys on the club's roll, service is clearly at the heart of Toowoomba Grammar School's ethos. Senior members of the club commit to providing service opportunities for the whole School through our House system, which ensures boys of all ages are given a voice to propose and modify initiatives. In 2023 alone, this has taken the form of The Push-Up Challenge, World's Greatest Shave and volunteering to help run the LifeFlight Gala Dinner, as well as hosting after-school activities in the Junior School.
At its core, the Interact Club holds the belief that community service is profoundly important in our development as young men. Through service, students are given a sense of purpose and empathy that broadens their horizons and perspectives. Rather than focusing solely on fundraising, the Interact Club encourages boys to donate their time by giving back to the community and focusing on the why.
Despite the challenges presented when balancing academic, co-curricular and personal commitments, boys are actively encouraged to pursue action in matters they believe are important. Whether it simply be a visit to a nursing home to have a conversation with an elderly resident or spreading awareness of a particular charity at a TGS home game, these seemingly inconsequential acts can bring about immense change. Members should be happy with the great work done so far and rest assured that the club will continue to be in good hands in the future. Polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk said, "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." and the Interactors remain happy to help.
- by 2023 TGS Interact President, Sam Gladwin
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