The Old Boys’ Association has played an integral role in the history and tradition of Toowoomba Grammar School. It was formed on December 29, 1888, when 25 Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys met at Long’s Imperial Hotel to create a new society. The Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys’ Association rules were drawn up, and office-bearers elected. The inaugural president was Mr Joesph Vincent Herbert Esq. (TGS 1877-80)
From there, the TGSOBA has grown significantly, ensuring that the Blue and Gold network and connections continue beyond the School gates. They guarantee that the special bond of the TGS boys is never lost and that School traditions are honoured from generation to generation.
The TGSOBA contributions are numerous and varied, and while there are too many to mention, here is a list of some notable projects:
- Replaced the original picnic table and paved the area at the top of the steps to Mills Oval. (Date Unknown)
- The sporting honour boards in Old Hall. (Date Unknown)
- Drums for Pipe Band, which are now used by Cadets. (Date Unknown)
- Candelabra. (1970)
- Bluestone steps to Old Boys’ Memorial Oval. (1972)
- Refurbishment of Old Hall. (1974)
- Lighting of the School drive, in conjunction with the P&F Association. (1979)
- Terraces on Old Boys’ Memorial Oval. (1990)
- Two candelabras. (1990)
- Chip cookers in The Pavilion. (1995)
- Trophy cabinets in the foyer of The Pavilion. (1998)
- Fences around Mills and Barbour Oval. (1998–2000)
- The construction of the TGSOBA Wall of Achievement and funding contributions to ongoing additions. (2003)
- The funding and construction of the TGSOBA Museum. (2009)
- $10,000 to the TGS athletics team that represented Australia in the International School Sport Federation World Schools’ Athletic Championships in the Czech Republic. (2013)
- Electronic scoreboards on Mills and Old Boys’ Memorial Oval. (2014)
- Sam Brown belts and ceremonial swords for TGSACU during Cadet Dining In Nights. (2015)
- $200,000 contribution to the building of the Glen McCracken Sports Centre. (2017–18)
- Historical plaques around the School. (2020)
- Contributed to the publication costs of Mr Ivan Board’s History of Toowoomba Grammar Cricket. (2021)
- Refurbished the barber chair. (2023)
- Annual bursaries awarded on Speech Day. (Ongoing)
- Various prizes and trophies. (Ongoing)
- Presentation of TGSOBA ties to Year 12 leavers, more recently keyrings and TGSOBA caps. (Ongoing since the early 1990s)
- Annual connective events such as reunions and gatherings. (Ongoing)
- Premiership recognition caps. (Ongoing since 2006)
Not only is there the infrastructure, but Old Boys contribute to the lives of our current students in many ways — from coaching sporting groups, assisting with performing arts or other subjects, providing mentorship, offering work experience, returning to the School to share their stories and experiences and volunteering at various events, including in the canteen on sports days.
There are so many ways that our Old Boys have a presence here, and the TGS community is grateful for their support. We hope that this leadership and the spirit of the Blue and Gold continues and that future generations of Grammar boys enthusiastically follow in the footsteps of their “ancestors”. We hope that these boys remember where they came from and the opportunities available to them because they were fortunate enough to be a Grammar boy, to be part of an inexplicable band of brothers. We hope they are eager to return to these glorious grounds, give back and set a fine example of what it is to be a good man. Fidelis in Omnibus.
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