Our School’s tradition of the annual Scholars’ Assembly sees us welcome back the prior year’s graduating cohort and formally acknowledge their academic achievements.

Today saw many of the boys from 2024 grace the Senior School Assembly Hall, brimming with excitement at being together again and with their whole lives before them.

All with solid plans, whether they be studying at university, taking up a scholarship, having a gap year in Queensland’s Gulf country or working abroad. Their excitement at reuniting was palpable and seeing them together, ready to strike out into the world, was a real pleasure.

The morning also recognised the achievement of some of our current students, who, upon further calculations, were awarded prizes for their excellent work in gaining Merit and Cum Laude Awards.

With a special ceremony, we saw our School leavers recognised for Subject Prizes, Merit Awards, Cum Laude Awards and the JK Winn Medal.

Our Headmaster, Dr John Kinniburgh, spoke of the School’s founding Headmaster, Mr John Mackintosh, who also conducted the School’s first lesson on 1 February 1877. There were 44 students, 24 dayboys and 20 boarders. Lessons were in a classroom designed for 160 students, which is now known as Old Hall. Mr Mackintosh was sadly killed in a horse-riding accident at Helidon in 1879 at the age of 43.

Mr Mackintosh was the School's first Headmaster

He spoke of Mr Mackintosh’s Scottish background and his graduation from Edinburgh University at the tender age of 19. Dr Kinniburgh also noted the way the School was run, not unlike a large family with an adherence to discipline but also with warmth.

Upon concluding his address, our 16th Headmaster congratulated each student and spoke of the pride the School has in their dedication to learning and their results and ended his address by telling the Old Boys, 'you are always welcome back'.

Young TGS Old Boys who have returned after graduating in 2024 for this year's Scholars' Assembly

Director of Learning and Innovation, Mrs Crystal Hede, made special mention of the dedication these boys had shown to achieve their results but also pointed to other aspects that are an essential part of the process.

Mrs Hede spoke of wonderment, 'When wonder leads us to gain knowledge, this creates a self-reinforcing cycle of learning. Explained by the Science of Learning, the more we learn about how our world works, the more hooks we create for new understanding to grasp onto'.

She encouraged students that learning begets learning, 'each fact you learn, each concept you master, becomes part of an ever-expanding base from which your own innovations might spring'.

“Whether you are a current student or newly graduated, I encourage you to cherish your sense of curiosity.”
Mrs Crystal Hede, Director of Learning and Innovation

She said, 'allow it to guide your learning journey and don't get so caught up in the destination that you overlook the value of asking questions and seeking knowledge. Each of you has the ability to make meaningful contributions and discoveries, embrace the process of learning and see where it leads you.'

Proxime Accessit, Bertie Mansfield, spoke about a memorable quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, ‘give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe’. He noted that in an academic setting, it worked best to look at assessment as a metaphorical tree.

2024 Proxime Accessit Bertie Mansfield

Reflecting on the quote, he wondered, ‘how can I sharpen the axe?’ Mr Mansfield purported that the answer lay in consistency and advocated dedicating a little more time to study every day, even if it’s as little as a quarter of an hour. He said it all added up and meant you could chop down the time studying and focus on extra-curricular activities and getting adequate sleep.

The School’s Dux, Aaron Nelbin, used an unlikely quote from Hollywood movie star Ryan Reynolds, ‘Any success I have has been the product of luck, timing and a lot of people helping me along the way’.

Mr Nelbin said, ‘we all rely on other people to reach our potential’ and went on to especially thank the School’s teachers for their dedication and patience, ‘you challenge us to aim higher and improve even when we doubt ourselves’.

“Grammar has given us much more than academic fellowship; it has given us lessons which will stay with us long after we leave.”
Aaron Nelbin, 2024 Dux

He thanked all the parents and families and said, ‘you’ve been the unsung heroes behind everything we’ve achieved’. Mr Nelbin left his final thanks to his cohort, alluding to their dedication and effort and that everyone should be proud.

2024 Dux Aaron Nelbin will study Medicine in Melbourne

The 2024 Dux gave some final advice to current students, ‘as you move forward, remember that success isn’t about being perfect – it’s about persistence, learning and making the most of the people around you’.

‘You’re surrounded by teachers who want to see you succeed, friends who will push you to be better and family who will always have your back, lean on them, learn from them and don’t be afraid to ask for help’.

We cannot wait to see where life takes you and as always, may you be Fidelis In Omnibus.

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