Please read through the below information carefully and action accordingly before the relevant due date.

Book Learning Support, Health Centre and School Counsellor Meetings

Should you wish to discuss specific learning support, health matters or counselling support, you can book optional meetings with our friendly support staff. You can book meetings on Tuesday, 28 January with the following staff:

  • Amanda Gibson - Head of Diverse Learners
  • Jodi Blades - Head of Year 7
  • Lyle Gothmann - School Counsellor
  • Mark Oliphant - Head of Senior School
  • Michael Hall - Head of Pastoral Care
  • Stacey Smith - Health Center Coordinator

To book a meeting with one of the above staff CLICK HERE.

Provide a Medical Update

To update your son’s medical details (which you will have provided at the time of enrolment), please complete the Health History form and email to the Health Centre at by Friday, 17 January 2025. Please ensure that all sections have been completed prior to returning.

If your son requires medication to be administered while at School, complete the request to administer medication at school form and email it to the Health Centre at by Friday, 17 January 2025.

Update Parent Contact Details

It is imperative for the School to have correct contact details for parents, guardians, carers and emergency contacts. To update your details:

  1. Click on the Parent Details drop down menu
  2. Select Address Details
  3. Make any necessary changes
  4. Click the blue Submit Changes button to save your changes. 

New parents who have boys starting at the School in 2025 will be provided access to Parent Lounge on Monday, 6th January 2025.

Please update this information in Parent Lounge by Monday, 20 January 2025.

The Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA) Data

As part of our enrolment and student records, the School collects a variety of MCEECDYA data about students and parents/guardians. Please check, and update if necessary, this information in Parent Lounge by Monday, 20 January 2025. 

To update the details:

  1. Click on the Student Details drop down menu
  2. Select General Details, select MCEECDYA Details on the left hand side
  3. Click the blue Update box in the lower right corner
  4. Make your changes then select Submit Changes.

Please ensure you select each son (if applicable) from the drop-down list on the top right.

Laptop User Agreement

By accepting a TGS laptop you and your son agree to abide by the TGS Laptop User Agreement which can be found in the School Policies and Handbooks section of the Parent Lounge.

All parents and students should read this agreement.

Media and Photography Consent

The School’s Conditions of Enrolment (Clause 23.1) includes provision that the School may use photographs, images, sound, video or other audio-visual recordings of students in connection with any advertising or promotional material relating to the School. This relates to materials used in printed publications, the School’s website and social media platforms.

Parents who do not wish for their child to participate in such activities, and have not yet notified the School, should email

Read Parent/Legal Guardian Code of Conduct

At Toowoomba Grammar School, we aim to provide an open, welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all. When accepting a place at the School, parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are deemed to have accepted our values and expectations and be committed to support and promote them. It is our expectation that the family and student are willing to participate fully in the life of the School

The Code of Conduct outlines the way in which the School requires all parents, guardians, visitors, associates and family members to conduct themselves when visiting the School, participating in School activities and communicating with members of our School community including students, staff, other parents/guardians and visitors. Adherence to this Code of Conduct is important to promote positive and productive relationships within the School’s community.

Please make sure you read the TGS Parent/Legal Guardian Code of Conduct here.

Order School Photos

School photos days:

  • Senior School - Tuesday, 4th February 2025
  • Junior School - Thursday, 6th February 2025

Blazer dress is required for students in Years 1 to 12. Prep boys should wear their Prep uniform.

Ordering photos is quick and easy:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter the online order code: CN5 ZBK YE5
  3. Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard or PayPal (if you need to pay with cash, please contact the School at
  4. You can order photos for multiple children in the one order
  5. You can also order previous years' photos, including sport and co-curricular group photos (go to the “previous years or group photo” tab. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past)
  6. Photos will be delivered to the School for your son to bring home.

Photos should be ordered by Friday, 31 January 2025 (orders placed after this date may incur a late fee from the supplier).

Book a haircut for your son

Toowoomba Grammar School has an onsite Barber Shop for all students. The Barber Shop will be open before Term 1 starts on:

  • Tuesday, 28 January 2025 from 9am till 5pm.

During Term time the Barber Shop will be open 3pm till 5pm every weekday.

Click here to book an appointment for your son now.

Sign up to the TGS P&F and Supporters' Groups

We encourage families to become involved in our Parents and Friends’ Association and its various Parent Supporter Groups. All of these groups host regular functions and activities throughout the year, creating a connected school community.

If you would like to join the P&F or one of the Parent Supporter Groups, please complete this form.